Information & Details regarding Artwork for Sale at TAL Art Show & Sales
Dear Artist /Artwork Seller,
Please bring your artwork FOR SALE to the the ART FOR SALE intake desk when you arrive at the Art Show & Sale .
You will need to add your artwork to the " SELLER LISTING PAGES". It is so we can keep track of what pieces you are selling.
PLEASE NOTE: You must be a member of TAL to sell art at our shows. As our sales are primarily for our members, to profit from our shows and the sale is a side portion of the Tomball Art Show and Sale.
if you are not a member of TAL. Its simple you can join our membership right at the show! Once you are a paid member you are allowed up to three pieces for the sale portion of the show. If i.e. you sell a piece or all of your pieces of artwork. Then you will/can bring 3 more in to replace. We do it this way, so everyone has an opportunity to sell artwork. And the public gets a variety of artist members selling.
Once the Artwork Buyer pays for your art we allow them to take the artwork, after a purchase receipt is fully filled out and we have secured payment.
Note: Artwork in the SHOW portion of the Show and Sale, that is in the actual SHOW part can also be priced to sell. THIS ARTWORK CANNOT BE TAKEN out until the show is over. If someone is interested in buying you artwork that is in the show. It must remain in the entire show till the show is over. Then you can make arrangements how to get it to your purchaser.
For the Artwork in the Sale portion of the Sale & Show, funds are collected from the sale of your artwork is collected by the TAL Treasurer and goes through the Tomball Art League Treasury. Meaning you do not receive your payment for the artwork sold immediately.
Once you sell a piece or pieces we collect the moneys run the purchase amount through our bank, we deduct the 15% and you will receive the balance minus the 15% in the form of a check in the mail from the Tomball Art League. Typically it takes us approximately about a week or two weeks after a show to process everything. If you should take payment yourself in example you have a piece that is in the show but for sale, you are responsible and in good faith summitting to Tomball Art League the 15%.
The 15% is not for TAL profit. It is collected and given as a donation to various sources depending on the total amount collected. First persons TAL donates too, is the Lonestar College – Community Library. We are very grateful to the Library As they have hosted 2 art show a year for The Tomball Art League for many years. The Library does this so that you the artist & the art community is enhanced by the seeing beautiful artwork brought to you and to the community at large.
Respectfully, Denise Gilbert – TAL Treasurer
updated 04/08/24
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